Thursday, 28 June 2007

Who said preaching was dead?

On Monday evening I went to hear Rob Bell. A blank stage in a theatre. A stool and a plain white light. Rob appeared on stage. No singing. Not even a prayer to open. An hour and 15 minutes of preaching. No notes. Sort of John Cleese meets Eddie Izzard meets Bill Hybels. Stories about Jesus, creation, the Scriptures, Jewish culture applied to our current global scene. Really challenging stuff. The audience - mainly young adults - was rivetted. At the end no appeal just applause.


Gabriel Smy said...

I went to his talk in Cambridge. It was surreal watching this guy in the venue we usually meet in as a church sum up in an hour just about everything we've been teaching this year: reconciliation of all things to God, environmental concern, emphasis on the poor, renewed earth... Nothing jazzy, just refreshing, relevant ideas. I liked the twist when he challenged people that even a small amount of money can make a big difference, and then pointed out that each member of the audience had already changed lives through a micro-finance donation built into the ticket price. It's so easy, you've already done it.

Esaj said...

On a somewhat related note, does anyone know of any Christan video bloggers?

I've been inspired by Ze Frank, an "online entertainer and humorist", and his creative short videos. He did an interesting creative project called "the show", where he made a short video every day for a year.

It seems video is gradually becoming more mainstream as a communication medium on the Web, and it's something I'd like to experiment with.

The first step, as usual, is always the hardest :)